Subtle is the word that springs to mind when I listen to Bolinas‘ latest song “Casa” (or any Bolinas song for that matter) and subtlety and depth is what sets them apart from the bulk of other, more formulaic, dreampop bands. It’s the gossamer, delicate distant sound of the guitars. It’s the frail emotive pitch jumps in the vocals. It’s the yearning, balmy basslines and the transposing quality of it all… The problem with subtle is that not everyone can hear it. Should this be a problem? I hope not, because I am really looking forward to what will be one of my favourite dreampop EP’s ever!
“Casa“, originally titled “Bolinas”, is the namesake of the band and the very first song written almost 3 years ago. “Casa” is a slow ballad with washing synths and reverb drenched guitars; delicate, staccato vocals paint a clear picture of the loneliness one can experience, even within a city as crowded as LA.
Bolinas are a dreampop project consisting of: singer/ guitarist Chris Thomas; bass-player and producer Phil McGinn; Dwight Stannard/ drummer and Anna San Juan/ keyboards (also see earlier article: bolinas-vacation-angostura.
Chris: “In the beginning Phil and I were pretty set on doing a full album, but because of both of our touring schedules, we decided to just keep releasing singles. We have a few more songs scheduled for release this year, so we’re definitely considering packaging them as an EP. I’m hoping that will happen this summer sometime.”